Sunday, August 5, 2012

Using event based modeling in verilog to avoid Racing between always blocks.

In most of our designs, we have to perform some operation on the posedge of clock. To implement this, we normally use different always block with the posedge of clock in the sensitivity list.
Some times, we need to use the signal in one always block, which is getting assigned a value from another, and here the actual problem starts.
Since the all the always blocks execute concurrently in the design, which may create racing between signals, which is again varies among simulator to simulator.
For this scenario, the signals may get value from one always block before/after it is used in another one.
Using “event” in the verilog programming can be one way to take care this kind of situation.
Example 1 :
Here two always blocks are shown,
In this case we are trying to set some modes by looking into some conditions. Also, we want to use the modes at the posedge of clock and perform some other operation.
Since both always blockes are working at the same posedge of clock, which may create a racing between the mode signals.
This is a small example but in real-time scenario, it might be more complex and big.
It may take the new value of mode of continue with the older value, depends on the simulator’s algorithm.
Block – 1 :
always (posedge clock)
    if (condition1)
        mode1 = 1′b1;
    else if (condition2)
        mode2 = 1′b1;
        mode3 = 1′b0;
Block – 2 :
always (posedge clock)
    if( mode1 && conditions3)
        output <= input1;
    else if (mode2 && condition4)
        output <= input2
        output <= 2′b0;
Now, Lets try to avoid the racing between these two always blocks.
Here, we use an “event” to trigger the other always block, and the triggering will take place at the last of first always block.
Since we wanted to run the both always block at the posedge of the clock, which is also happening here.
By using the event in the sensitivity list of other always block makes sure that this block will execute when the first will be completed, and it will be able to use the new values assigned to the mode variables.
We can have multiple events in the design.
// event declaration
event ev_mode
Block – 1 :
always (posedge clock)
    if (condition1)
        mode1 = 1′b1;
    else if (condition2)
        mode2 = 1′b1;
        mode3 = 1′b0;
    -> ev_mode
Block – 2 :
always (ev_mode)
    if( mode1 && conditions3)
        output <= input1;
    else if (mode2 && condition4)
        output <= input2
        output <= 2′b0;

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